capabilities first

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Ideas make the world go round. is a company that focuses on innovation development that is only limited by your imagination.

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Advancing capability through R&D

never stop innovating

future projects

See what we are working on. Next-gen technology to make the world a better place.


"I noticed an issue with Teslas auto driving that it wasn't actually scanning the road it drives on. I noticed the same issue with other automated driving systems. They weren't avoiding potholes or other things on the road. So I started looking at what is currently used to monitor the physical health of the roads and very quickly realised its a much bigger problem than I originally thought. So then began the journey of discovery and innovation until I came up with a design that would help all involved"- Richard Jenkins


"Growing up with a disability I have seen many prosthetics like arms and legs be made but I never thought they were any good. If they aren't as good as my hand, then I don't want it. My hand is the best design there is and so I noticed one significant flaw in most designs I've seen. The Phantom project is my design attempt which I believe would be the most advanced in the world."- Richard Jenkins


"I noticed an issue with Teslas auto driving that it wasn't actually scanning the road it drives on. I noticed the same issue with other automated driving systems. They weren't avoiding potholes or other things on the road. So I started looking at what is currently used to monitor the physical health of the roads and very quickly realised its a much bigger problem than I originally thought. So then began the journey of discovery and innovation until I came up with a design that would help all involved"- Richard Jenkins


"Growing up with a disability I have seen many prosthetics like arms and legs be made but I never thought they were any good. If they aren't as good as my hand, then I don't want it. My hand is the best design there is and so I noticed one significant flaw in most designs I've seen. The Phantom project is my design attempt which I believe would be the most advanced in the world."- Richard Jenkins

virtual take off and landing


VTOL READY is to be a consulting and resource service for businesses that want to become VTOL READY. Infrastructure consulting for eVTOL charging, Vertiport and Vertiway design consulting as well as planning, engineering, safety, pilot training and guidance.

bringing cars to you

swap drive

Ever wanted your car maintenance done for you? Avoid the hassle of taking time out of your day to take your car to the mechanics. We bring you a car to use while your car is being worked on.